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Old CHE Performance Promo Code Discounts

Promo Codes for discounts on our website.

We would love to add a discount code for your club, forum, or organization. Please contact us by clicking on the "About Us" link above.


  • US Military: Use this discount code if you are an active member or retired, thanks for your service. Use discount code USMIL during checkout for a 10% Discount. ($100 minimum purchase) 
  • Pennsylvania Resident: Use this discount code if you are a current resident of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Sales Tax sucks and we will do what we can to relieve the added costs. Use discount code PARES during checkout for a 10% Discount. 
  • Thunderbird & Cougar: Use this discount code if you are purchasing parts for your Thunderbird or Cougar. Use discount code CoolCats during checkout for a 10% Discount ($100 minimum purchase). 
  • Use this discount code if you are an active member of Use discount code during checkout for a 10% Discount. ($100 minimum purchase) 
  • Use this discount code if you are an active member of Use discount code Modded during checkout for a 10% Discount. ($100 minimum purchase) 
  • Use this discount code if you are an active member of Use discount code BOSS302 during checkout for a 10% Discount. ($100 minimum purchase)
  • Lincoln Mark VII: Use this discount code if you are purchasing parts for your Lincoln Mark VII. Use discount code MarkVII during checkout for a 10% Discount ($100 minimum purchase). 
  • Crown Vic and Mercury Marauder: Use this discount code if you are purchasing parts for your 98-11 Crown Vic or Mercury Marauder. Use discount code CrownVic during checkout for a 10% Discount ($100 minimum purchase).